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Tuesday 29 May 2012


I had the realisation today that I've almost written a book. A whole book. For someone who was told unequivocally by a certain English teacher who will remain forever nameless (mainly because he left such an impression I can't actually remember it!) that women cannot write.. Jane Austen? The Bronte's? J.K.Rowling? etc etc.. the list goes on... I was fairly sure that even attempting to write a short story was a fruitless endeavour. Ha! I say Mr what's your face.. I do believe that I have the ability to put words on a page in a not only coherent but also vaguely interesting manner.. Does that not qualify as writing??

There seems to be some inherent belief in society, that to make a book good, it needs to be almost impossible to understand without comprehensive understanding of the history of the English Language but also a degree in history, mythology and astrophysics.. not that I think a degree in astrophysics is a bad thing but books should surely be an avenue for all to use to escape the hum drum of everyday life and delve into another world. Does that not mean then, that in essence, all who can read should be able to enjoy a good book?

Leave me to my ranting.. my brain has been overworked today and apparently that makes me grumpy.. or possibly right... I think the latter.. :-)
More tomorrow when the next chapter will be hopefully done.

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